LIFE Groups 

God wired us for community, belonging, and connection, and what better way to live that out than in Life Groups! LIFE= Living in Freedom Everyday! This looks like a weekly meeting where a group of young adults share a meal, have open and honest discussions, study God’s Word, spend time in prayer, build each other up, and simply do life together. It’s a place to be loved, safe, valued, and to know that others have your back in life and in prayer.


LIFE Groups can look a lot of different ways! Some of our groups meet weekly over the course of a semester, others are short-term groups, meeting weekly, bi-weekly, or once a month. We love having a variety of groups, whether you meet together to enjoy a similar interest (surfing, cooking, dog walking, pickleball, etc.) or meet to study God’s Word, pray, and worship together– or a combination of these– Sea Turtle Ministries is here to support your Tribe!

If you or someone you know is interested in starting and leading a LIFE Group, please email or text us at (843) 973-0813!