Beauty For Ashes; A Story About Being Redeemed From Shame.
Guest Author We have all heard the word “shame” tossed around, especially in Christian circles, but what does it really mean? Why do we talk about it? The first thing we need to recognize is that shame is different from guilt. Guilt is the feeling of remorse that you...
My Coward Heart.
Poems by Eden Oh, what a cowardly heart I bear I cannot grab the future laid out for me Oh, my yellow heart, Why fearful of the blessing that God has laid out for you I submit this cowardly heart to you my King I pray that it will not be a hindrance when the time...
During the Wait
Poems by Eden During the wait, God was calling me to faith But I saw the waves I was a plant, promised by the Gardner that I would one day bloom I was being cultivated I was growing As my blooming time got near, A storm came The Gardner was sure that I would...
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