My Coward Heart.

My Coward Heart.

Poems by Eden Oh, what a cowardly heart I bear I cannot grab the future laid out for me Oh, my yellow heart, Why fearful of the blessing that God has laid out for you I submit this cowardly heart to you my King I pray that it will not be a hindrance when the time...
During the Wait

During the Wait

Poems by Eden During the wait, God was calling me to faith But I saw the waves   I was a plant, promised by the Gardner that I would one day bloom I was being cultivated I was growing As my blooming time got near,  A storm came The Gardner was sure that I would...
The Push

The Push

Poems By Eden I push and push you never move  With your mighty presence  You protect me   I push and push you never leave With your engulfing love  You surround me   Where is the fairness in this? What do you get out of it? Is it my soul? You can have it...
The Dancer

The Dancer

Poems by Eden I see a dancer  Feet beating to the sound of his drums He danced for the land The people he loved As he danced the world was created   The musician and the dancer were one For the glitch in the song they separated The song changed for a minute The...
Why do I love you?

Why do I love you?

Poems by Eden Why do I love you? Is it because you died for me? Is it because you love me? Or you save me? Or you do things for me?   What is a good reason to love a God? Is it so He won’t smite you? Send you to Hell? This does not apply to me.   Because I...
The Meaning of Easter

The Meaning of Easter

Guest Author: Darrian Rivers What do you think of when you think of Easter? Is it the Easter Bunny or Easter Egg hunts kids go on? What about dying Easter eggs? Did you know the real purpose of Easter is the most precious day to the Christian faith? It is actually the...
What is Palm Sunday?

What is Palm Sunday?

Guest Author: Darrian Rivers  This Sunday, March 28th is Palm Sunday.  Palm Sunday is always the Sunday before Easter. It is a very important faith holiday that signifies the start of the Holy Week. The Holy Week is important because of what Jesus, our Lord, and...